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Anne from Jardins Phlox,

Prior to formulating human care, Anne has, for almost 10 years, formulated natural foods, supplements and care for dogs and cats. She then worked in close collaboration with dog and cat breeders concerned about the health and well-being of their animals, who had for concern to have a natural and ecological approach and this, in order to maintain a healthy breeding environment for both the animals and the breeders. This experience allowed her to notice that the offer of household products respecting the more sensitive nature of our pets, in particular, cats' one which is very similar to young children, rarely combined olfactory happiness, safety, efficiency, and respect for the environment.


Knowing that cats are ultra sensitive to household products, but also generators of foul-smelling and persistent urine, she thought that creating THE natural product, without impact on the environment would be her goal. After extensive research to find the right molecule, the right fragrances and several years of testing, Anne launched effective odor repellants and floor soaps inspired by traditional black soap as well as liquid soap for humans (body, hair, and hands). She is constantly working to expand the offer in order to make everyday life at home easier for each of the occupants.


Because “IF EVERYTHING GOES WITH CAT, ''CAT'' GOES WITH ALL ! » : Dogs, children and people more sensitive to household products. And let's face it,… quite candidly, she lives with her cats !… Sumatra, Stark and Lili Rosettes say hello to you !


Francois Manseau,
Business development &
Brand management

The thirst for discovery articulates a large majority of his thoughts, decisions and actions. François is passionate, dynamic and daring. He likes to take a project to the top by using thoughtful strategies to focus on the key factors which are precursors of an influence which has only the maximum as its measure. He continually focuses on putting into action challenges that push people and brands alike to surpass themselves and position themselves as a pole, a reference, an influence that marks the time. François acts as brand and business development manager for J'habite chez mon chat. He plans everything related to content development for the online sales platform as well as social networks. He also acts as a resource in charge of business development for the distribution component in organic / bulk / zero waste grocery stores in order to promote the J'habite chez mon chat brand as an actor that stands out in the offer of natural, versatile and ecological household products in Quebec.

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